de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
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Friday, February 27, 2015
North America's first black president
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
If Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek pronounced “He is the first black president in North America,” most of us would confidently answer “Who is Barack Obama?” And we...
Nimoy farewell
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
22 million reasons black America doesn’t trust banks
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
22 million reasons black America doesn’t trust banks
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Remember wooden desks, chalkboards and cursive writing charts?
The 1952 third grade class of Lincoln Elementary School in Cook County Illinois.
Count Matchukie
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Did you know Count Matchukie is regarded as the 1st deejay in Jamaica when he started a toast at a session of the sound system of Tom the Great Sebastian on December 26, 1950?
Viking Discovery
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
In Norway, archaeologists discovered that the grave of a Viking dating to A.D. 950 held not only a sword, but a shield boss with a surprise hidden inside.
(Ă…ge Hojem/NTNU Museum of Natural History and Archaeology)
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Temple Wood Stone Circle, Kilmartin
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Temple Wood Stone Circle, Kilmartin
A ritual and funerary complex
A ritual and funerary complex
It seems to have been in use for over 2,000 years, during the later Neolithic and early Bronze Age (between 5,500 and 3,500 years ago). Excavations in the 1970s revealed that the site was even more complex than previously thought.
Primary Ritual circles
For around the first thousand years the site was used exclusively for ritual ceremonies. Some time before 3000 BC, it seems, a circle of upright timbers was erected. This circle is now marked by a ring of concrete posts. (Evidence of timber circles later replaced by stone ones has also been found at Machrie Moor, Arran.) The process of converting the timbers into stone uprights was begun but never completed.
At some date after 3000 BC, a second circle was constructed to the south-west of the timber one. It was oval in shape and comprised 22 standing stones (of which 13 remain in place). Each stone stood no higher than 1.6m, and one of them has been marked with a spiral motif, a symbol closely paralleled in Irish passage-grave art.
Later, the gaps between the individual stones were infilled with low interval slabs. The slabs were evidently designed to restrict access into the circle, but not the view from outside it.
Funerary cairns
Around 2000 BC the ritual site became the focus of funerary activity. Initially, two small burial cairns were placed immediately outside the stone circle.
These were followed over subsequent centuries by more cist burials, which were covered over with a mound of stones. This turned the stone circle into a great burial cairn, much like we see in the linear cemetery nearby (the cairns of Glebe, Nether Largie North, Nether Largie Mid, Nether Largie South and Ri Cruin).
The only item of human remains found was a child’s tooth. By 1000 BC the site had been abandoned.
As with most archaeological site whether a small monument such as this one of a large one such as Stonehenge when they are excavated their history usually reveals that they are multi phased and have often, during life, been used for a variety of functions.
Katherine Dunham
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
A humanitarian Diva, was the creator of the Dunham style dance and founder of the Katherine Dunham Dance Company in the early 1930's.
She was "the matriarch and queen mother" of Black American Dance and an engaged anthropologist, dancer, choreographer, educator, writer, social activist. At the age of 82 she went on a 47 day hunger strike to protest the US's forced repatriation of Haitian refugees in the early 90's.
At Babiy Yar
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
At Babiy Yar approx. 200,000 Jews, Russian, Roma and others were shot having been deemed subhuman by Nazi and Ukrainian Nationalists standards.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
five countries that escaped European colonialism
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
This map shows every country that's been colonized or conquered by Europe. It's virtually all of them.
'Gerbils replace rats' as main cause of Black Death
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Black rats may not have been to blame for
numerous outbreaks of the bubonic plague across Europe, a study suggests. The
Black Death, which originated in Asia, arrived in Europe in 1347 and caused one
of the deadliest outbreaks in human history. Professor Nils Christian Stenseth and his
colleagues from the University of Oslo do not think a rat reservoir was to
blame. The team believes that specific weather conditions in Asia may have
caused another plague-carrying rodent - the giant gerbil - to thrive and this
then later led to epidemics in Europe.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Indian Women Wore High Heels 750 Years Ago?
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Indian Women Wore High Heels 750 Years Ago? Fashion ... 18, 2014 - Uploaded by Phenomenal Travel VideosThis is absolutely incredible, because European women started to wear high heels or platform shoes for beauty only after 1600 A.D. And this ...
History Symposium on New Perspectives on Slaveries in the African World
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
As a follow-up to the international conference on ‘Slavery in Africa’ held in Kenya and Kwasi Konadu’s ‘Transatlantic Africa’, which tells the story of transatlantic slaving through African optics and voices, this symposium will include leading thinkers of global slaveries in the African world who share their work for a full-day of engaged dialogue of new perspectives and directions on March 6, 2015 - 9am – 4pm. -
The Graduate Center at The City University of New York, CUNY, New York, - the largest urban university in the United States -presents the history symposium ‘New Perspectives on Slaveries in the African World’.
As a follow-up to the international conference on ‘Slavery in Africa’ held in Kenya and Kwasi Konadu’s ‘Transatlantic Africa’, which tells the story of transatlantic slaving through African optics and voices, this symposium will include leading thinkers of global slaveries in the African world who share their work for a full-day of engaged dialogue of new perspectives and directions on March 6, 2015 - 9am – 4pm. -
2,000 gold coins found in eastern Mediterranean
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
An unprecedented discovery of more than 2,000 gold coins off the north-central coast of Israel likely part of the largest gold hoard ever found in the eastern Mediterranean archaeologists claim.
never-before-seen photo of exiled Duke of Windsor in ceremonial robe
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Resplendent in ceremonial robes he would never again be able to wear in public, never-before-seen photo shows exiled Duke of Windsor posing at French country retreat he shared with Wallis
An extraordinary new picture of the former King Edward VIII, posing in the historic finery of the Order of the Garter, has emerged. In the shot the Duke of Windsor stands in a blue velvet cloak, red sash and white stockings - but despite the formality of the ceremonial costume, he stands squinting in the sunny back garden of the French country retreat he shared with Wallis Simpson. The snap was included in one of three personal photo albums that cover decades of the duke and duchess's lives together. It also includes a snap from of the then-Prince of wales and his future wife at Fort Belvedere, Windsor (inset). The albums were passed to Henri Gay, 90, the duke's head gardener at La Maison de la Tuilerie, south west of Paris. Mr Gay, who worked for the royals for seven years from 1966, said he even took the incredible image. He said: 'On one occasion he called me over to take a picture of him in his robes. It was in the garden where he had installed a mini-golf course.' The collection of pictures has been described by Sothebys as 'a remarkable record' of the Duke of Windsor's private life with Wallis.
Soviet spy Guy Burgess filmed in Moscow in 1959
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Remarkable 'lost' interview with Soviet spy Guy Burgess filmed in Moscow in 1959 unearthed in Canadian archive - the only time a member of Cambridge spy ring explained his actions on camera
Millie Small
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Did you know, the song “My Boy Lollipop” sung by Millie Small, reached number 1 on the British Charts in March 1964? Small was the 1st Jamaican to appear on an international song chart
Monday, February 23, 2015
Gene Miles
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
This is the story of how a statuesque beauty who stood up against political corruption in a relatively newly independent Trinidad and Tobago ended up a wandering drunk of Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Gene Miles who became known as “Gas Station Gene” when she blew the whistle on her boss, Senior Factory Inspector in the Petroleum Ministry, Kenneth Tam and the Minister of Petroleum and Mines, Johnny O’Halloran, with whom she was linked romantically.
Many labeled her “a jilted lover” instead of taking her evidence seriously. Not only did she end up losing her job, but her good name, and died of a heart attack at just 42 years old.
For six days in July 1966, Miles took the witness stand in a Commission of Enquiry, telling them that Tam, who was then slated to go to person for gas station licenses, was using his monopoly to turn down applicants for the licenses. He would then use inside information about the land for which the license was requested to buy and then sell it to the same gas station vendors at more profitable prices.
In the end, Miles was given a bad report by the supposedly independent Public Service Commission, and eventually fired.
A vicious slander campaign was mounted against her and while she never became a vagrant, she was often seen wandering Port of Spain, bedraggled and drunk until her death on December 9th 1972.
O’ Halloran was charged for taking bribes in a petroleum deal in 1983 and fled to Canada where he died a millionaire two years later.
Gene’s boldness may have been inspired by her father Ranny Miles, who busted the biggest scam of the 1940 colonial days; the Caura Dam racket.(Leah Skeete)
Automobiles Before Henry Ford?
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
The Pattersons of Greenfield, Ohio, were an African-American family who, beginning in 1915,...
Milk of human kindness evolved before our intelligence
de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Milk of human kindness evolved long before our intelligence: Early humans' sense of compassion revealed
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