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Sunday, October 31, 2010

ol' blue eyes Frank Sinatra

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

"Possessive, jealous and liable to explode fast.  When I lose my temper, you can't find it anyplace.  He's the same." .... the doomed union of Gardner and Sinatra

Never will forget Camelot

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Rare and intimate photographs of Camelot in the new book Portrait of Camelot: A Thousand Days in the Kennedy Whitehouse by political historian Richard Reeves.

The world will always have big love for the Kennedy days of Camelot!

Hitler's bunker and the Women of the Reich

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Never seen pictures of Hitler's bunker after Russian and allied soldiers vanquished Berlin.  Life photographer, William Vandivert took these haunting images unveiled by


Dracula's Castle?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Dracula's castle in Romania, an off the trail tourist attraction was the residence of Vlad Dracula, defender of Wallachia, south of Transylvania.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why is a Dollar called a Buck?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Animal Spirit

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

O.G., puddy, kitty, pudella, poo pet, pudding, puddy poo - the family cat - 15 human years

Animals are spirits too who we have the responsibility to protect.

Kitty is human-like in the opinion of the humans who know her; she has an individaul personality. 

Domesticity allows animals to grow in spirit through intimate interaction with humans.

**** waiting for my Linx to tell me all is well in spirit

The Night Sinatra Happened

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Check out Vanity Fair article - excerpt of Frank: The Voice by James Kaplan....

Lets Bring Back ... the Marchesa Casati

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Lesley Blume's series Icons of Style, La marchesa Luisa Casati, High Priestess of Immodesty and Eccentricity! .... A true extrovert and muse - "I want to be a living work of art." 

Albino creatures roamed her Venetian Palazzo, she walked naked beneath a fur coat led by her diamond leashed cheetah.  Decades before Hugh Hephner's signature pajamas, she entertained in sheer golden ones herself. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

'ol blue eyes Frank Sinatra

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

The first of serialised excerpts of a biography on Frank Sinatra ....

this week, his complex relationship with a domineering, unhinged, ferocious mother in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Next week enters the equally fiery and complex Ava Gardner

Boardwalk Empire

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Atlantic City, Jersey at the dawn of Prohibition - another HBO spectacular.

Day in photos gallery -

Day in photos gallery -

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Ancient Roman ruins of Acropolis, gate of the Parthenon.

Goodbye my Linx

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

An animal lovers lament

My little guy Linx died today, he was my first cat, not the family cat.  My little soldier survived hurricanes, storms and my absences on his own until I came home.  Witnessed the drama in my love life with my ex, his 'daddy' - he and Whiskey sat by me when I was sad. Whiskey - Wickee - a litle ginger boy didn't survive the relationship so Linx and I carried on until Henry George the 8th came to stay.  Henry survived today but not my Linx.

He was kinda wild a while ago because of my absences but since then I've been home alot so he became tame and friendly with a shiny black coat in full feline splendour. 

Winks, Plinx, Winky woo, Plinky poo ... I feel terrible it was my responsibility to protect you.  The huge dog with massive jaws is my dog friend that killed you today.  It was violent and primal and I knew you would not survive it. 

So now he's gone.  Brutal way for my Linx to go. I HaTe that this happened.

Last night before he left for the all night puss party they apparently have he kept bobbing his head for me to pet him and I did.  It was strange then - he never does that - it was his good bye, he's an animal, he would know he was soon to go.  I feel so bad for my lil guy.

One afternoon I came home early and he was perched on the wooden trail and I took his picture - his last

Henry - Henny Benny - post carnage

another day


Halloween on the The View ... "Transported in Time"

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

The View's episode this Halloween is so cool - its theme "Transported in Time" was a retrospective of each time-in-history of the hosts period costumes....

Joy Behar - 1920's - Orphan Annie

Barbara Walters - 1940's - Rita Hayworth

Whoop - 1960's - GoGo Girl

Sherri Shephard - 1970's - Grace Jones

Hassel Who? Me - 1980's - Joan Collin's Dynasty character Alexis Carrington

Great fun ... seriously

Lets Bring Back .... Nancy Cunard

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Lesley Blume's Icon of Style series salutes Nancy Cunard - heiress of Cunard shipping fortune, writer, publisher, life-long civil rights political activist, 20th century muse, unrepentant individual

My kinda girl!!!!!

Rail thin, kohl rimmed eyes, bangles wrist to elbow, forehead bandeau - her aesthetic remains envogue generations later....

Let's Bring Back ... Suzy Parker

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Lesley Blume's Icons of Style series highlights Suzy Parker - the world's first supermodel.

Face of the 1950s ....

ooooooooo nooooooo Mondo!!!!!!!

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

ooooooooo nooooooo Mondo!!!!!!!

Project Runway season 8 is over and my Mondo is Gretchen's runner-up.  I'm crushed!  Mondo was my guy, my choice, my fave .... I probably convinced myself he was the winner despite Gretchen's strength.  His collection was so pretty - I hope he gets his chance to shine - there is no other like Mondo - true original talent.

Much love to you MONDO!!!!!!!

Mondo Magic lives on ................!!!!!,,20438013,00.html

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Hokumburg Goombah: Squail of the Day: September 8th, 2010First photog...

The Hokumburg Goombah: Squail of the Day: September 8th, 2010First photog...: "This is a Daguerreotype taken by the inventor of the process, Louis Daguerre, in 1838. It is a view of the Boulevard du Temple in Paris. To ..."

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Our Heart - a new perspective - CLICK ON THIS

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Here is an awesome discussion on things we didn't know about our hearts.  Storage of passions and memories - the seat of thought, reason and emotion.  A historic and spiritual perspective.  It's the information age! What a great period in which to be....

Think on These Things

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
watever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable -

if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -

think about such things.

Philippians 4:8, NIV

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Krazee Kardashian Kluelessness

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Along with what appears to be the rest of the world I am guilty of watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians.  In the beginning their diction so startled me that I referred to them as "molasses for brains Kardashians" - I wasn't the only one.

Their krazee fame is bizarre but I liken it to a too hot fire that will burn out just as quickly.  I'm beginning to wonder "why do I watch this program?"  These KKs are everywhere, its like they invaded the earth.

Kourtney, my favourite and apparently of other folks too, is so petite and pretty it pains me to know she has no idea how to hold a fork.  Her mother never taught her ... wow.  That and other faux pas begs the question, why am I watching?  Idle viewing...

Khloe by far, and by many, many lengths, is my least favourite.  Her over the top, rude, abrasive persona was ably defined for me recently - she is vulgar.  Yes, her vulgarity has no redeeming quality that I can see.

Bruce Jenner is a class act, a good guy, possibly married to a harpie, his derision deserves my seasonal empathy.

Now aggregately they are nice enough (except Khloe) people but I think my interest, if I'm not putting too fine a point, could be waning.

The other day a blogger referred to the sisters as; the Porn Star, Big Foot and the Nobody.  I will allow you to decipher who's who.  I thought it was funny.

My thoughts on the universe ... my universal thoughts

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

My thoughts on the universe ... I recently joined a spiritual class because I sorely needed it.  An advanced consciousness class to screw my head on clock-wise as opposed to counter clock, my usual state of being.  So meditation, the benefits of the law of attraction, value of prayer - all these vices are not new to me and yet I found myself in need of a jump start, again.

Negative self-image thoughts ... off limits.  Meditation for clear thinking ... a must.  I am determined to be in perfect alignment with my good.

Although, I don't understand some aspects.  Low self-image perpetuates a cycle of self fulfilling prophecy, that is the bad you expect is that which the universe will reward you.  We are charged to be joyful, to know all is well, to believe ourselves and the creator are a majority, we are not alone.  Poor souls already downtrodden by unfortunte low self-image can depend on universal disdain - the universe will NOT uplift, it will give you more of the same.

The only way to be on top of your world is to be on top of your world.  If for any reason you have not learnt to be, been encouraged to be, or are unsure of your magnificence then you are outta luck.  Confident people are rewarded by the universe and if you are not don't be waiting on that creator/universe to help you out - you had better sort yourself out.

It's All About the Money Bitches!

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Now there is no doubt that we all know .... money talks bitches!  Charlie Sheen attacks estranged wife with knife during xmas holidays - escaped jail time, received probation and the executive producer of Two and a Half Men stood beside him and not in spirit, he pysically stood beside him.  Quote - there is no show without him.

Eight days shy of completing probation he trashes a hotel room, violates probation but there will be no charge, no issue with his probation violation, he has returned to L.A. to star in a cameo role and resume his TV role in a week.

The highest earner on prime time TV, almost two million per episode means the show must go on even if Charlie self-destructs, even if the moral fibre of CBS is tainted.  If you are an actor on the low end swing of your professional pendulum you might be shit outta luck.  Although actors perceived to have high wattage chops, true talent, tend to be ressurrected by the "industry" ... recall, Robert Downey Jr..  Anyway the road to stardom is strewn with the remains of promising careers.

Mood altering substances is part of the human way so why would the arts be exempt?  Before anything is contemplated - the money will trump all every time. It's all and always will be the money bitches!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Calvin Klein

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

There is a new Clavin Klein ad with Zoe Saldana - the most annoying piece of dribble in weeks.  I guess it's meant to be sexy.  Who does CK expect to buy this product? Men or Women.  A woman pissing off women will not entice them to buy!  So here we have a woman in her underwear rolling around on the floor speaking about how strong she is and what she did when she was a kid and what she likes and then she takes off her bra and turns her back.  Ummm - so what? I don't get it - don't want to buy and what's more women I know hate the ad too.

Taylor Swift

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

My first real impression of Taylor Swift beyond her youth was Kanye West's ridiculous behaviour at the '09 VMAs. With time I did hear her songs and they are sweet as is she.  A girl's perfect packet of angst, puppy love and loss. 

I that little girl in the fairy tales of my youth I have not forgot. All little girls have dreams and hopes and princes on white chargers - any modern version will do.  At some point we question whether a prince will come or the dreams but hope never dies and the little girl inside yearns, waits, creates.

Taylor Swift is every girl and her songs are the whimsy and pretty of cotton candy landscapes where girls tuck away memory keepsakes.  Her fans know every lyric, little girls and young women live them - the boys we love who disappoint, the tears cried, redemptive dreams. The stuff of fairy tales bonds and brands us girls.,,20437168,00.html

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Let's Bring Back

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Lesley Blume's Icons of Style series .... Marlene Dietrich, Symbol of Glamour

Let's Bring Back

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Lesley Blume's Icons of Style Series

Elsa Schiaparelli designer and Coco Chanel rival.....

Vintage! Vintage! Vintage!

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

LIFE Magazine's links to vintage fashion photos.....

The best fashion photo shoots of 1940s through 1960s

LIFE's Fashion Covers

LIFE's celebrity covers!

Fashion Trends 1940s & 1950s

A model's life in 1948

Fashion Runways the early days

 Vintage Christian Dior

Friday, October 22, 2010

Middle-aged Women and Long Hair

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

My thoughts on articles exploring the sensibility of long hair on middle aged ladies.  Though not middle-aged I am swaning my way to that mark.  I mentioned that Demi Moore at 47 and others have long hair, to which my friend said, yes but those women are celebrities, suggesting that normal women fall short of such style proclivities.  I have had long hair all my life, had no need for extentions - my mother and all her sisters did as well, my cousins also.  My mother and aunts all cut their hair at the expected milestone just as my cousins and I will be expected.  In this modern age - do we have to conform to traditions?  Although the age in which we live will always be modern, traditions often remain.  I have been told my great grand aunts wore white or black full skirted and high laced at the neck dresses with severe buns - no doubt long tresses rolled into buns or chignons.  I think I will do the same - that is with my hair, not the dresses.

The short of it is long hair means there is always, atleast, hope.

All About Eve

Gary Merrill, Bette Davis, George Sanders, Anne Baxter, Hugh Marlowe, Celeste Holm

All About Eve - another great Bette Davis film .... so many stars it sparks right off the screen, I love it, love it, love it.  A cast like no other - George Sanders, Anne Baxter, Gary Merrill, Marilyn Monroe, etc. - 1950.  You may not know all these names but they were great, truly great as is this movie.

Film was break out role for Marilyn Monroe.  Starring role of Bette Davis mirrored her real life career pinacle, in her early forties, with only four major roles remaining.  Davis and Merrill began their love affair on set and later married as they did in this film. 


de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

There is a well founded position that with the right makeup, hair cut/colour, outfit - every woman is beautiful - a truism demonstrated weekday mornings on NBC's Today Show 4th hour with Kathi-Lee and Hoda.  Women of every shape and size steamrolled by life and time are transformed simply with a new hair cut and colour and appropriate make up.  A new look to equal a new lease on life.  I have to add these ladies do not merely acquire a new look - they transform into beauties the like of which you would never have imagined!

Death of Privacy

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Before my launch into this world of delusion and debauchery a.k.a. starting my day... CNN HLN covered the undoing of a cheerleader curtesy of a less than dignified facebook picture.  I was old enough to have a private life - not withstanding idle gossip - people had an expectation of privacy.

Blogs, facebook, myspace, utube, iphones, blackberries, digi cameras, tabloid papparazzi, on and on! The death of privacy.  Privacy is a healthy slice in the pie of a normal life - it must exist.  Without privacy how can we grow, move on, learn without having transgressions downloaded for the rest of time?

People - self edit! Stop putting your stuff out there and for those who put you out there unbidden - hopefully legislation will keep evolving to curb their licentious activities.

Michael Jackson

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Finally someone speaks the awful truth although his friend Deepak Chopra indicated same shortly after his death.  I never saw Jackson as a victim and his family knew it well having tried to intervene and  faced his rebuff themselves.  A run-a-way addict with no sense of self-discipline in any part of his life it seemed this end was inevitable.  His doctor was grossly negligent but no murderer.  I believe Michael Jackson was responsible for his death.  His legacy and musical genius is beyond question.

Rent Is Too Damn High!

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Gubernatorial candidate New York Jimmy McMillan .... that's the name of his political party .... this is too damn funny!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Real Love

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception


Surrender is not achieved until you surrender completely to your beloved.  To accomplish this you must relinquish everything that deprives you of love and nurture everything that comes from love.

Love allows your beloved the freedom to be unlike.
Attachment asks for conformity to your needs and desires.

Love imposes no demands.
Attachment expresses an overwhelming demand - "Make me feel whole."

Love expands beyond the limits of two people.
Attachment tries to exclude everything but two people.

Show only love, be only love.....


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spirit Evolution

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Debating with my friend last night, I raised one of my usual "why is she discussing this" topics.  Little children experience death the first time when a pet passes if they are spared life's bitter turns early.  Death is so bewildering and painful - if there is life, there is death and yet we would walk the length of this earth if it would spare us the spectre of it.

The church tell us funerals celebrate the life of our lost ones and they are in a better place hence the celebratory mood but we feel dismal loss and sorrow, sometimes worry about where this person has gone, are they well?

Ancient people it appears, were evolved spiritually and later generations devolved to the ignorant, confused souls we now appear to be.  Ancient people were in touch with the universe, "knew" information, had "knowledge" - understood the seasons and cycles of windfall and misfortune.  They anticipated their children already knowing who would come and what their life's purpose would be, akin to Mother Mary knowing the impending birth of Jesus and his great responsibility to the world. So too did Nelson Mandella's (Madiba) tribal family anticipate his entire coming and accomplishments several generations before he came.  In Egypt the pre-knowledge of children was common place.

What if the human race existed on a spiritual plane of understanding where life and death was like the seasons and that we would be spared the dispair and soul breaking mourning that often but not always accompanies death.  My suggestion to my friend - what if we knew that they were ok and we were ok and death would not be something to fear, something that broke us and hurt us.  She suggested as humans we would still feel loss and would still mourn, which is true, but wouldn't we be spared much of the hurt we suffer?

Lets Bring Back

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

My second installment of Lesley Blume's series of the glorious by-gone 


French hatmaker / designer Lilly Dache

Monday, October 18, 2010

Immigrant Multi-culturalism

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Angela Merkel has declared Germany's multi-cultural society has "utterly failed".  Listening to my favourite BBC radio program, 'World Have Your Say' with it's usual energized debate on immigrants, their assimilation and the merits of multi-culturalism.  Callers highlighted Germany's multi-cultural world cup football team as evidence of success but I don't know if that is reasonable proof of same.

Assimilation is critical ... I always lamented the failure of people to address their societal issues and ultimately flee to promise lands.  People are starting to resent the migrant onslaught.  Alil xenophobia is good!

The Silver Screen

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

About to watch The Letter with Bette Davis - She's a major favourite of mine.  I've loved the silver screen most of my life, fell in love with the studio sets of those black and white films.  Hepburn & Tracy, Bogart, Monroe, Montgomery Cliff, Elizabeth Taylor, Olivia deHavilland, Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Joan Crawford .... They don't make them like they used to, the actors nor most movies.

My all time favourite ... Gone With the Wind (Rhett Butler and Scarlett, Melanie and Ashley) - the book and the movie, done in larger than life techni-colour, also big fun.  Thank goodness for Turner Classic Movies!

We Women

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

General Medicine

We women ... are in many ways defined by our breasts. Women and their breasts are a life long relationship.  First we have none, then we grow some, no one knows when they will stop and what we'll end up with.  I was very lucky, mine came in and I was complimented ceaselessly all my young adult life for having "perfect" breasts.

Then we start getting older, and the next phase sets in.  Our breasts are assaulted with the bearing of babies and if not, age will get us.  And so my breasts have begun to change - I am not happy about it.  Compared to others I'm told I'm talking alot of BS since even with the beginning of the droop I'm far ahead.  My friends and I all share the same theme - commentary on our changing breasts.

The phase of mammograms begins.....a very uncomfortable experience!  And my theory today ... these mammograms are assisting in the undoing of our breasts!  They pull them, squash them, flatten them...WTH!

I wonder - how can a breast have any hope of surviving this in one piece?

And while I may be making fun of a serious issue, we women must schlep our breasts to the doc to check them out but isn't there a better way?  In the great tradition of general medicine they will likely say...nope.  We women will soldier on with our changing and aging breasts.