Ghandi meerkat
I am a lover of all things political. Not the politics that people perceive but the politics as originally conceived. No group of people in the history of civilization have lived without politics - it is how humans seek to organize and manage their affairs. The oft heard lament of people who disdain the political process are living in fairy land because once there are people there will be politics. We would be better served to plug in and understand the issues in an informed, intelligent (dispassionate) way and vote!
I am not a fan of political intrigue, it often bores me. I love the real deal, the issues, the debate, the manifestos that discuss solutions - short, mid and long term policies. The intrigue, rawr-rawr, red meat nonsense is what voters love and that my friends is the problem.
Politicans must do what is expedient - it is the bitter twist. They are chosen to make sound decisions but must also do so popularly and the two do not meet. Politicians chose popularity, political machinery is geared to win or they lose campaign funds. The electorate is the author, manager and decider in all things - not the politicians, despite their obvious perks they are lowly servants with a fickle master.
Politicians are carved from the electorate, they did not hatch in a county where politicians are bred. They come from within and if they should be corrupt, cowardly or cock-eyed then they represent us because they are us.
It is widely accepted that the briber is more heinous than the bribee. The money facilitates the bribe. Who bribes? A member of the electorate, of course!
This past time of hating on politicians is so convenient, so comforting, after all blame them and the electorate continue to live in their jekyl/hyde existence - responsible for nothing, accountable for nothing.
Which brings me to Palin, the originator of dumb politicos. She has spurned a locust pandemic of the righteous ignorant. It is just a phase people - they do not have the chops to last the course.
In my love of all things political I know having been there that the loud mouths are usually encouraged by the party to take a position, run for a seat. They are very good at bloating the ego, growing the fire of ambition here-to-fore unknown that becomes a no-brainer - of course! I knew it all along - I am a politician with the spectre of power within my grasp!
The loud mouth steps on the national stage and then their short-comings are exposed, not well-read with deep prejudices for minority groups and so on.
I always say - the politician is always the brightest in the room, not the loudest, they are the ones who can stay the course.
Palin is not bright, the efforts to paint her as such are futile.
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