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Friday, December 3, 2010

The Origins of Yoga?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
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Was the origin of Yoga, Hindu?

Om is the sacred Hindu symbol.  Vedic, yogic, Sanskritic, ancient Indian and Eastern have been pseudonyms of choice to mine key elements of Hindu teachings: bhakti, karma, moksha and Bhagavad Gita a revered Hindu scripture all for the $6 billion Yoga industry.

Is there an H-word aversion?  There have been references to Hindu's prohibitive baggage - and all other religions don't have baggage?  Advocates wish to acknowledge Yoga as one of Hinduism's great gifts to the world.

An article that declared Deepak Chopra to be "wrong" by shockingly trying to de-link the Vedas from Hinduism!  My guru?  Didn't think it possible but he is just a man, afterall.

In seeking universal SNBR (spiritual but not religious) terms, efforts to generate the billion dollar industry studiously by-passed the word Hindu.  Sanatana Dharma, Vedic tradition and Hinduism are synonymous.  Hindus have long referred to our way of life as Sanatana Dharma - the Eternal Law or Way which has no beginning or end in history.  While "Hindu" may have been the 12th century Persian abstraction referring to the Indic civilization on the banks of the Indus river, diverse followers of Sanatan Dharma include those who accept the sanctity of the Vedas and other Hindu scripture.

Interesting.  I have no issue giving the praise to Hinduism for the gift of Yoga.

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