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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Religious Jerks

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception 

Sherrie Shepherd of The View sends her Christmas holiday cards with religous images regardless of the religions of her recipients.  Viewers stopped Joy Behar on the street to let Sherrie know that what she does is not right and just not done.

If I received holiday cards from every religion in the world with all their various and glorious depictions - I would be so happy to learn about their religious expressions.

These ridiculous thin-skinned puritanical fanatical religous bigotries is frankly beneath my intellect.  Get a grip ... you people are ridiculous!  Accept people with all their beliefs.  We control nothing and no-one so get over it, stop trying to create a world that benefits only you and your prejudices.

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