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Friday, January 7, 2011

Palin wrong again ...

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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Here we go again and as always Sarah Palin wades onto intellectual paths she cannot understand. 

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend responds to Palin's assertion - in her latest bits of paper bound into what Palin overheard is called a book - that JFK's 1960 speech in which he challenged ministers and the public to judge him by his views and not his faith, was defensive in tone and content and not a reconciliation of public service and religion.  Palin now believes Kennedy divorced the two elements.

Palin desires a religious test be laid on public servants and citizens like her be the judge and decider.  O dear ....

Palin faulted Kennedy on failing to show the world how his Catholic faith had enriched him.  Kennedy believed the identity of religion was private - without religion there would be no cause for a religious test of leaders.

Palin praised Romney's religious mutterings during his run for the presidential nomination - his father made no such declarations during his 1968 campaign, respecting as he did the Constitution and the founding fathers' separation of church and state.

Palin accused Kennedy of running away from religion.

Townsend reminds Palin that America is revolutionary for its assertion of freedom of religion.  Palin's demand for a display of religious beliefs undermines the foundation of American goverment and then she wishes to sit in judgement of those beliefs. 

All behold the Palin inquisition.

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