de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
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The King's Speech chronicles the personal drama of speech impaired King George VI who was called to inspire his people as the monumentous days of World War II approached. King George and Queen Elizabeth were parents of today's Queen Elizabeth and her sister Margaret. If Prince William refused to become King and thrust his brother Harry in his stead, such a scenario though similar, could not approximate that event because his brother's capitulation from the throne meant King George became king unexpectedly, a role he had never aspired to fill.
King Edward VIII began a love affair with Wallis Simpson, a married American socialite and divorcee in the 1930s. A wholly unacceptable coupling that led to his abdication from the throne. He became the Duke of Windsor on 10 December 1936 and later became Governor of Bahamas, living in Nassau until after the war when they decamped to Paris.
At the click are some well known insights into the woman and the relationship that precipitated one of the most controversial historic decisions of political and love lorn dimensions. - photos of a King
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