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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Titianic Love Story

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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Ida Straus, one of the wealthiest and possibly one of the oldest women on board, was not among the survivors on the RMS Carpathia when it pulled into New York's Pier 54 carrying 705 survivors of the Titanic disaster. Neither was her husband Isidor, owner of Macy's department store and a former U.S. congressman. Not until the following day did eyewitnesses describe the "most remarkable exhibition of love and devotion" shown by the couple in the chaos of that hellish night, a love and devotion that led to both their deaths.

Isidor, witnesses said, was offered a seat in lifeboat number four but insisted that women—and younger men—be saved before him. And Ida refused to leave without him. "I will not be separated from my husband," she said. "As we have lived so will we die together."

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