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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mason and Garland

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

James Mason, reportedly once saved the life of Max Bygraves' son Patrick. Max Bygraves and his son Patrick were at a party at Judy Garland's house when Patrick fell in the pool while Max was distracted. James Mason did notice and fully clothed jumped into the water and pulled Patrick to safety.

 Judy Garland and James Mason between shots on set of A Star is Born.

Did you know?
James Mason, reportedly, once saved the life of Max Bygraves' son Patrick. Max Bygraves and his son Patrick were at a party at Judy Garland's house. Patrick fell into the pool and Max didn't notice. James Mason did notice and, fully clothed, he jumped into the water and pulled Patrick out.

Here, Judy Garland and James Mason between shots of A Star is Born.

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