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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Beloved nanny who was a witness to history as she helped raise ELEVEN Kennedy children is laid to rest at 105

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Robert and Ethel Kennedy hired Ena Bernard in 1951 to care for their newborn daughter Kathleen. 

But over the next 44 years, Ena's job would grow to include raising all 11 children in the growing Kennedy brood and staying on as a member of the family long after the youngest child was out of the house.

Ms Bernard died last week at the age of 105 at her home in Sunrise, Florida. 85-year-old Ethel and all but one of her living children - Joe, Bobby, Kathleen, Kerry, Christopher, Maxwell, Douglas and Rory -  attended her funeral Thursday.
Beloved: Ena Bernard, who was the nanny to Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 11 children for 44 years, was laid to rest Thursday at the age of 105. Above, Joe Kennedy, right, visits Ena in her later years
Beloved: Ena Bernard, who was the nanny to Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 11 children for 44 years, was laid to rest Thursday at the age of 105. Above, Joe Kennedy, right, visits Ena in her later years 

At the funeral, Ena's only child Josefina 'Fina' Harvin and three of the Kennedy children gave eulogies.

'Really I am not the one most qualified [to give the eulogy],' Harvin said. 'The Kennedy family are the ones most qualified because she was with them for 44 years. My mom was with the Kennedys for so long, we became like an intertwined family.'
Josefina joined her mother in the U.S. when she was a teenager and lived with the Kennedys when she wasn't at school.
When she arrived in the U.S., Josefina was embraced by the clan as one of their own, she told MailOnline.
Devoted nanny: Ena with some of the Kennedy Children. The photo is from Robert Kennedy and reads: To Ena, Who has kept them looking up all this time. Affectionately, Robert Kennedy
Devoted nanny: Ena with some of the Kennedy Children. The photo is from Robert Kennedy and reads: To Ena, Who has kept them looking up all this time. Affectionately, Robert Kennedy

Josefina recalls a rather protective Bobby Kennedy giving her a stern talking to when she came home at 3am after cotillion.

As she was walking up the stairs to her mothers quarters at Hickory Hill, Bobby emerged from the den asking: 'What time is this for a young lady to come back home?'
She explained that her mother had given her permission to stay out late.
'I don't care,' he replied. 'Your father is not here and I am your father away from home.'
But he also helped her transition to her new life in America, once calling up Otis Air National Guard Base to secure a date for Josefina. She can't remember his name, only that he was from Chico, California.
Remembered: Bobby Kennedy playing with two of his children, with Ena it the background. Wife Ethel and eight of his children attended Ena's funeral Thursday
Remembered: Bobby Kennedy playing with two of his children, with Ena it the background. Wife Ethel and eight of his children attended Ena's funeral Thursday

Beginnings: Ena joined the Kennedy family in 1951 when she started out as a nurse for their then only-child Kathleen
Beginnings: Ena joined the Kennedy family in 1951 when she started out as a nurse for their then only-child Kathleen

Ethel Kennedy was also a mother figure to young Josefina, who gave Josefina her first job helping out her mother for $25dollars a week. It was enough money then for her to start her first bank account.
In her early years, Josefina wouldn't make eye contact with any of the Kennedys, believing that was the way she was supposed to interact with her employers. 
Ethel called her out for the habit, telling her: 'No. You're in America. When someone speaks to you, you look them in the eyes.'
They treated Josefina with respect, even inviting her to the dinner table when they had Al Gore over as a guest.
Perks of the job: During her time with the Kennedys, Ena met many important people such as Bill Clinton
Perks of the job: During her time with the Kennedys, Ena met many important people such as Bill Clinton

Josefina thanked the family in the Sun Sentinel for the way they treated her mother, in a time when the help were still treated 'like a piece of furniture' by the wealthy.

She recalled how Bobby and Ethel always introduced her mother to guests.
Ena with Joe Kennedy outside the the U.S. Capitol building. The letter reads: 'To Ena, whose love and guidance taught me most of the rules of the house, both at home and in Congress'
Ena with Joe Kennedy outside the the U.S. Capitol building. The letter reads: 'To Ena, whose love and guidance taught me most of the rules of the house, both at home and in Congress'

At the funeral, the Kennedy children spoke about their memories of Ena and the affect she had on their lives.
Maxwell remembered how he would pray every night that God wouldn't take her away because when the kids would get too wild she would tell them: 'You children are going to kill me. And then what's going to happen to Fina?'
Kerry remembers Ena threatening a 'pow-pow' or hit across the head, but said that it was always an empty gesture.
'She never raised a hand to us,' she said. 'Instead she prodded us along with joy and humor.
'I don't know what I would without the love and care Ena gave me,' Douglas said. 'Her love is as close to God's love as I think I will ever experience.'
Bobby thanked Ena's family for 'loaning her to us' for over 40 years.
'We were so lucky to have her in our lives,' he said. 'The best proof that God loves the Kennedy family is that he gave us Ena for all those years.' 

Friends for life: Ena and Ethel at Ena's 100th birthday party in June 2008
Friends for life: Ena and Ethel at Ena's 100th birthday party in June 2008

Ena worked as a nanny for a prominent family in Costa Rica before moving to the U.S. When she moved, she left behind her only-daughter Josefina until she could could afford to move her.
The Kennedys were one of two families she was sent to interview with when she first moved.
Over the years, where the Kennedys went - Ena went. That meant trips to Cape Cod in the summer, Palm Beach for Easter and her own room at the family's homestead Hickory Hill in McLean, Virginia.
Part of the family: Ena would stay with the family for over 44 years - long after the youngest child Rory left the house. She had her own room at the family's homestead of Hickory Hill in McLean, Virginia
Part of the family: Ena would stay with the family for over 44 years - long after the youngest child Rory left the house. She had her own room at the family's homestead of Hickory Hill in McLean, Virginia

Ena was there when Bobby was sworn in as attorney general in January 1961. After the ceremony she went with the six oldest children to take a tour of the White House and shrieked in surprise as Bobby slid down a bannister, all six children following behind.

'Oh Mr. Kennedy!' Ena shouted. 'Sliding down the bannister at the White House! Imagine that! I can't believe it! Mr. Kennedy, you'll never grow up!'
Introductions: Ena meeting Ronald Reagan. Daughter Josefina was once asked to eat dinner with the Kennedys when they had Al Gore over as a guest
Introductions: Ena meeting Ronald Reagan. Daughter Josefina was once asked to eat dinner with the Kennedys when they had Al Gore over as a guest

During her time with the family, she met the likes of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Desmond Tutu and the Pope.
Most importantly, Ena was there after Bobby was assassinated - helping a grieving Ethel move on and care for the children without a father.

'After our father died, my mother had to play both roles,' Chris Kennedy told the Los Angeles Times. 'Ena backfilled and was always loving and supportive.'
Assassinated: Bobby Kennedy was shot on June 5, 1968 while campaigning in California for the Democratic Party nomination. He died the next day
Assassinated: Bobby Kennedy was shot on June 5, 1968 while campaigning in California for the Democratic Party nomination. He died the next day
Mourning: A veiled Ethel Kennedy leads the funeral procession of her children out of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York on June 8, 1968. Ethel was pregnant with daughter Rory at the time of her husband's death
Mourning: A veiled Ethel Kennedy leads the funeral procession of her children out of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York on June 8, 1968. Ethel was pregnant with daughter Rory at the time of her husband's death
Fatherless: Ethel Kennedy and her children visit Robert Kennedy's gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery on the third anniversary of his assassination in 1971
Fatherless: Ethel Kennedy and her children visit Robert Kennedy's gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery on the third anniversary of his assassination in 1971

Mother figure: Rory Kennedy introduces one of her children to Ena
Mother figure: Rory Kennedy introduces one of her children to Ena

After the youngest child, Rory, had grown-up, Ena stayed on continuing to do odd jobs for the family until Josefina wanted to retire and she moved with her to Florida.
The family's devotion for their beloved nanny never waned. The children would introduce their boyfriends and girlfriends to Ena, asking for her approval. They would bring over newborn children like they would for a grandmother.

Later years: The Kennedy family never forgot their nanny. They set her up with a medical plan and pension and she got at least one phone call a week from her adopted family. Above, Douglas pays a visit
Later years: The Kennedy family never forgot their nanny. They set her up with a medical plan and pension and she got at least one phone call a week from her adopted family. Above, Douglas pays a visit 

When she turned 100 in June 2008, the Kennedys attended Ena's party at the Signature Grand in Davie, Florida. 
The even gave her a little award which read: 'For Ena, who captured the hearts of the whole family and whose 50 years of giving Pow-Pow has made us all better.'
She leaves behind six grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and nine 'adopted' Kennedy children.
Tribute: The Kennedy family paying tribute to Ena at her 100th birthday party
Tribute: The Kennedy family paying tribute to Ena at her 100th birthday party

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