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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Elizabeth Taylor's steamy letter to Richard Burton for auction

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor's relationship was one of the most scandalous and passionate to play out in public.
And the chemistry between the notorious twice-married couple is revealed in a recently uncovered love letter that Taylor wrote to Burton .
She describes how she can only 'boil and bubble' inside at the thought of the actor, and confesses her 'pure animal pleasure' for him.

Elizabeth's devotion: 'I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my delight'
Elizabeth's devotion: 'I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my delight'

But the racy note, written on the couple's 10th wedding anniversary (first time around), is bittersweet as they split just days later.
The letter dated March 15, 1974 has now been listed for auction at and is believed to be the first written message from Taylor to Burton to ever hit the market.
    It has a minimum bid of £1,000 and is expected to sell for several times more than that. Bidding ends on December 12 at 7.09pm.
    The couple had recently begun renting a house in Oroville, California while Burton was filming his latest movie The Klansman when Taylor wrote it. 
    True love: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in The Comedians, 1967
    True love: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in The Comedians, 1967

    In her own words: Taylor's note to Burton

    'My darling (my still) My husband. 
    'I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my delight, my pure animal pleasure of you - (with you) - my jealousy, my pride, my anger at you, at times. Most of all my love for you, and whatever love you can dole out to me - I wish I could write about it but I can't. 
    'I can only 'boil and bubble' inside and hope you understand how I really feel. Anyway I lust thee, 
    'Your (still) Wife. 
    'P.S. O'Love, let us never take each other for granted again! 
    'P.P.S. How about that - 10 years!!'

    Taylor had warned Burton from the start of their marriage in 1964 that she had zero tolerance for infidelity. 
    However during the filming of When Eagles Dare, Burton resumed an affair with co-star Mary Ure. 
    After that, Taylor made sure she was with on set with Burton every day in 1969 for the shooting of Anne Of The Thousand Days. 
    However, a further affair with co-star Genevieve Bujold lasted many years, and an affair with Nathalie Delon followed in 1972, along with rumours of an affair with Raquel Welch. 

    Enlarge Taylor at a gala with husband Burton: 'Let us never take eachother for granted' she wrote
    Taylor at a gala with husband Burton: 'Let us never take eachother for granted' she wrote

    Taylor finally lost patience during the filming of The Klansman when Burton commenced an affair with 'a teenager, a hotel waitress and a string of other women'.
    The love letter is accompanied by a note of provenance from Toni Hennings, the woman who rented the Oroville house to them.
    'This letter written by Elizabeth Taylor while renting my home from Feb 15th til April 18th 1974. It was left behind - inside a book in a drawer under the master bedroom bed,' she writes.

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