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Friday, February 4, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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The second season of a major fave of mine NBC's Who Do You Think You AreReality TV with a historic twist - follows celebrities as they discover their genealogical history and fill in the secrets of their family trees and discover explosive new family stories.

It is poignant, moving and sometimes shocking and surprising - all great fun!

Last season honoured us as we shared their intimate journeys ~ Lisa Kudrow's sad and redemptive tale; Brooke Shields, a meld of French royalty and New Jersey working class bloodlines; Emmett Smith NFL legend found his West African roots; Spike Lee, his caucasian cousins; Sarah Jessica Parker learned her family have roots as old as America including a gold rush speculator and Matthew Broderick's Civil war ancestor wore the same soldier's ID number as the actor's Civil war character!  Susan Sarandon unearthed her mysterious grandmother who shared her unusual, identical physicality and showbusiness talents.

This season follows Rosie O'Donnell, Tim McGraw, Kim Cattrall, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lionel Ritchie and Boardwalk Empires's Steve Buscemi.  A real favourite girl of mine Ashley Judd, which I know will be big big fun!  Tonight's episode takes off with Vanessa Williams ...

It all starts tonight!

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