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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Divine Couple

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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The Abrahamic religions - Jews, Muslims, Christians - are of one accord that there is one God, one universal creator.  History reveals through archaeological evidence and ancient texts that God was one of several gods worshipped and that included his goddess/wife worshipped alongside Him.

Yaweh's companions, El, Baal, Molek and the goddess Asherah were worshipped with Him in the Temple of Jerusalem. 

Asherah was a powerful fertility goddess and wife of Yahweh the high god at Ugarit - Yahweh was also called El. 

The reference was found written on a large 8th century piece of pottery at Kuntillet'Ajrud - the inscription was a petition for blessing on a journey from 'Yahweh and his Asherah.'  Other inscriptions unearthed have supported the position that God had a wife consort.

Many centuries of male dominance has eroded all evidence of the godesses while monotheism ended the notion of the divine couple, instead regaling a single male diety.  Other gods/godesses have been relegated to the status of Angels.

when God was a woman ...

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