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Monday, April 4, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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The second season of Who Do You Think You Are? on NBC has been predictably entertaining and inspiring.  Last week we explored her family history with Gwyneth Paltrow. 

This season we journeyed with Vanessa Williams, whose great great grand dads were history makers like her first black Miss America feat.  Tim McGraw in addition to sharing his super sexy 'everything!' solved the mystery of his edited birth certificate, revealing his unusual discovery of and relationship with his father that led to his family tree exploration.

Kim Cattrall traced the line of family heartbreak to identify the polygamous scoundrel that was her grandfather and it all began with the ghostlike figure of a young man peeping behind a curtain in a family photo he had refused to join.  Rosie O'Donnell achieved a rare trick in identifying the town of her Irish ancestors but her trip there brought to light the soul shattering loss bourne by her family during the Irish famine and then overcoming poverty in America. 

Lionel Ritchie pushed past mystery, revulsion and sadness to uncover the genius and civil rights movement pioneer that was his great great grandfather.  Steve Buscemi, the 'funny lookin' guy, revealed his unusual familial countenance which oddly puts it all in place and led me to declare he's not so bad lookin' after all - his story is the typical heartwarming story of the Italian Americans of Brooklyn, NY.

And next week, the finale will feature a favourite girl of mine - Ashley Judd.

See past episodes - here!

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