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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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My long excited wait is over and Ashley Judd's turn on Who Do You Think You Are? has aired.  Pretty stupendous results!

Perhaps predictably, her search results were startling because Ashley is a descendant of a Mayflower passenger, a Puritan pilgrim, an "original" US settler - hallmarks of what it means to be a pure American.  To the English her great grandfather, William Brewster was a Puritan radical who openly criticized the Church of England, was called a Brownist and served time in gaol.

Quite a find!

And Ashley cried but it seemed kinda phony - maybe my love of Ashley is well preserved in the movies, I dunno.

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