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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Car Hidden from Nazis for Auction

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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Mr Bugatti was born in Italy and set up up the company in 1909 in the Alsace region of France.  He considered himself to be an artist and car maker. His son Jean died in 1939 and the car for sale was his last design.

The black and green motor was built for speed which was fortuitous because it had to be driven off in a hurry and hidden from the Nazis when they invaded France in 1940.  Factory driver Robert Benoist fled the German invaders, narrowly avoided capture and hid the car for the duration of World War II.

After hostilities and the death of Ettore 'Le Patron' Bugatti in 1947, the car was returned to the factory where it was driven by Pierre Marco, the firm's director general.

It stayed at the factory until 1959 where it was fitted with new additions, including a three-spoke steering
wheel, hydraulic brakes and distinctive radio.

Subsequent owners had to pass a test to ensure they were worthy enough to care for it.

After the war the firm struggled and was bought in the 1960s for its aeroplane parts business and the name is now owned by Volkswagen

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