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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Titanic Headlines

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

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On Tuesday, April 16, 1912 - the day after the Titanic met its tragic fate - the Daily Mail told the nation: 'She sank at 2.20 in the afternoon (7.20 in the afternoon). No lives were lost.'

These, of course, were the days before rolling news and mobile communications. Details remained hazy long after the world's largest ship went down, the scale of the disaster was not yet known and newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic struggled to relieve readers of agonising suspense.

One article spoke of how 'bewildering reports published in New York of wireless messages received concerning the collision have befogged even the scanty details obtainable'.

By the next morning, however, the great loss suffered had become all too clear.

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