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Friday, July 20, 2012


de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception
Greta Garbo
Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo was born in Stockholm in 1905 as Greta Gustaffson, the daughter of a Lapp peasant and a butcher. She spent her childhood ‘washing dishes, sweeping the stairs and cleaning the outside toilet’.

But even in those distant days she had mood swings. ‘I was up and down,’ she remembered. ‘Happy one moment. The next moment, there was nothing left for me.’ Modern doctors would surely label her bi-polar and put her on pills.

Had you, in the years up until 1990, when she died at the age of 84, encountered a brusque old lady in a black wig, dark glasses, a turned-up collar and her hat brim pulled down over her face, and who was calling herself either Alice Smith, Mary Jones, Harriet Brown, Fraulein Gussie Berger, Jonas Emersen, Mademoiselle Hanson, or Miss Sorenson - then the chances are you met Greta Garbo.

When she arrived in Hollywood in 1925, she refused to visit the studio couturiers and hairdressers. She refused invitations to parties and receptions, ‘preferring to wander alone for hours on end, deep in thought’.

She refused to attend her own premieres or hold press conferences. She stopped giving interviews early in her career - which lasted in any case only until 1941.

The legend that is Garbo must be the envy of every superstarshe achieved immortal status by being invisible.

‘The creative artist should be a rare and solitary spirit,’ she commented. ‘My work absorbs me. I have time for nothing else.’

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