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Thursday, August 9, 2012

After liberating the Dachau Concentration Camp US Troops Executed Unknown Number of SS Soldiers

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

It is known as the Dachau Massacre, the number of executed soldiers has been disputed since. On April 29, 1945 the Dachau Massacre happened at the Dachau concentration camp. As the American soldiers approached the concentration camp, they came across 40 roofless boxcars piled high with emaciated dead bodies in advanced stages of decomposition. 

When they entered the concentration camp, they came across more dead bodies, some completely naked and lying where they had fallen dead. They came across a row of cement buildings containing rooms with hundreds of dead bodies piled from floor to ceiling, a crematorium, and a gas chamber. 

There were purportedly 560 or so SS soldiers and camp guards on the premises. The American troop made their way through the camp until all the soldiers and guards had surrendered. A group of those who had surrendered were rounded up and put into a room with a manned machine gun keeping an eye on them. The soldier manning the gun shot and killed some of the soldiers. 

A few more were executed throughout the concentration camp. All in all it is estimated that between 30 to 50 SS soldiers and camp guards were executed. A rumor stands that the Americans handed some of the liberated prisoners guns, and that they themselves tortured and killed some of the guards.

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