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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kingston Barracks, Kingston, Jamaica

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

A View of the Kingston Barracks, Kingston, Jamaica.
Taken from The Parade. From a Hand-Coloured Lithograph by Adolphe Duperly, 1844.
Collection: The National Library of Jamaica.
A View of the Kingston Barracks, Kingston, Jamaica. Taken from The Parade. From a Hand-Coloured Lithograph by Adolphe Duperly, 1844. Collection: The National Library of Jamaica.

Kingston Barracks, The Parade, Kingston, Jamaica.
Looking North-West. From a Photograph signed and dated "Kingston, Jamaica, July '71, Cochrane USMC".
Collection: Raymond Brandon.
Earliest known photograph of the Kingston Barracks aquired by Raymond at Auction.

Compare this Photograph of 1871 to J. B. Kidd's Lithograph from the Late 1830s or to Adolphe Duperly's Lithograph of 1844 that reveal the Kingston Barracks remained unchanged during that 35 year period.
Kingston Barracks, The Parade, Kingston, Jamaica. Looking North-West. From a Photograph signed and dated  "Kingston, Jamaica, July '71, Cochrane USMC". Collection: Raymond 

This is the earliest known Photograph of the Kingston Barracks and I remember that Raymond was extremely pleased with himself when he managed to acquire it at Auction. 

Compare this Photograph of 1871 to J. B. Kidd's Lithograph from the Late 1830s or to Adolphe Duperly's Lithograph of 1844 and you will see that the Kingston Barracks had remained completely unchanged over that 35 year period.


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