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Friday, April 26, 2013

Queen Isabella of Castille

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Indeed she was a great Queen. Isabella was the warrior Queen who fiercely fought the moors, even when she was with child. An ambitious and intelligent monarch that executed her goals successfully, she unified the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon by marrying King Ferdinand and set Spain on the path of its organization, even until today. 

The Pope granted her the title of the Most Catholic Queen, and Ferdinand the most Catholic King, or as taught in Spanish,"Los Reyes Católicos de España". Why were they worthy of such title? Were the other monarchs of Europe less Catholic?  It was a noble Christian title earned at a very hard price. "La Reconquista" was not an easy task and many innocent lives where at stake.

In the Iberia peninsula, three monotheist religions had harmoniously coexisted for centuries. The La Alhambra in southern Spain was evidence of the infidel Moors advanced knowledge in architecture, art, science, and mathematics. Indeed they were! The Spanish language has inherited many Arabian words in its vocabulary. 

Some Jewish members of society had financed the voyages of Christopher Columbus. The Most Catholic King and Queen of Spain, as the true Christians were not to be implicated in business deals or to touch 'dirty' money. Only the Jews could, and for that reason they were hated, prosecuted and killed unjustly.

“La Reconquista” made Spain the one, true "Catholic" country. It is often said, 'Spain has always been more papist, than the Pope Himself‘ ... “La Reconquista” brought the infamous and ruthless Spanish Inquisition.  No other country in Europe had experienced anything close, even at the Vatican itself.  The Church could been known as the Holy Castilian Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Fanaticism and proselytism motivations seldom lead to anything but intolerance, hate and injustice. Fanatical beliefs created the Spanish Empire, on which the sun never set, into doom and decadence. Spain "discovered" America and got hold of its wealth before other European countries. Had Spain been less 'papist', they may have been the super power of Europe and the world today.

At the dawn of new world exploration, Spain was, “The Cinderella of Europe.” Today the Muslims and Jews are about their own “Reconquista”... as history repeats itself, there are no, Most Catholic King and Warrior Queen of Spain to strike back in defense of, 'The True Holy Faith,' from infidels. Nevertheless, Queen Isabella was a great strategist of war, politics, government, economy and religion. She was vested with an entrepreneurial spirit in sponsoring Columbus' voyages. She was a visionary and the true ruler of the kingdom, not her husband.

Photo: A few words on queen Isabella of Castille. By our member Raúl Trabanco Rodrigues.

Indeed she was a great Queen.  Isabella was the warrior Queen; that fiercely fought against the moors, even when she was with child. An ambitious and intelligent monarch that executed her goals successfully.  She unified Castile and Aragon kingdoms by marrying King Ferdinand, set the path of how Spain will be organized, even to this date.  The Pope granted her the title of the Most Catholic Queen, and Ferdinand the most Catholic King, or as I was taught in Spanish,"Los Reyes Católicos de España". Which always made me wonder as a kid studying history, why were they so worthy of earning such title? Were the other monarchs of Europe less Catholic?  Well, later on as an adult, I realized it was a noble Christian title earned at a very hard price. "La Reconquista" was not an easy task and many innocent lives where at stake. Did you know that there was a time in the Iberia peninsula where three monotheist religions coexisted in harmony for centuries? Have you ever been to La Alhambra in south Spain? How advanced were these infidel moors in architecture, art, science, mathematics! Indeed they were. The Spanish language inherited many Arabian words into its vocabulary.  And the Jews, did you know that they financed the voyages of Christopher Columbus? Yes, of course because The Most Catholic King And Queen of Spain, as truly Christians were not supposed to deal or touch 'dirty' money.  Only the Jews could, and for that they were hated, prosecuted and killed unjustly. “La Reconquista” made Spain a one truly "Catholic" country. It amazes me how, as my history teacher said, 'Spain has always been more papist, than the Pope Himself‘. After so many years, now I understand what she meant. Oh, and of course, let us not forget that “La Reconquista” brought the infamous Spanish Inquisition, imported to America as was ruthless, no other country in Europe had something even close to this, not even the Vatican. Perhaps, the Church should've been called the Holy Castilian Catholic and Apostolic Church. What is my point having said all this...? Fanatics and proselytism motives lead to nothing good, but intolerance, hate and injustice. Fanatical believes was what lead Spain's massive Empire, where the sun never sets, into doom and decadence. They "discovered" America first and got hold of all its wealth first than any European country. Had Spain not been so 'papist', they could've been the super power of Europe and the world to this day. However, at some point in time, Spain was regarded as “The Cinderella of Europe”. By the way, I don't know if you have been to Spain lately, but the Muslims and Jews are doing their own “Reconquista”...and history repeats itself. Only that now, we won't have The Warrior Queen, and Most Catholic King and Queen of Spain to strike back and defend 'The True Holy Faith' from the infidels. Nevertheless, I admire Queen Isabella, because she was a great strategist, in wars, politics, government, economy and religion. She had an entrepreneurial spirit by sponsoring Columbus voyages. She had vision; she was the true ruler of the kingdom, not her husband, only good to plant the seeds in her womb. Anyway, I just wanted to share some insight about that period. I hope I haven't offended anybody, but history, is history.

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