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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lapham's Quarterly

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

"A man is shot down by your side in battle, and the mangled body remains an object and a real evidence; but at sea, the man is near you—at your side—you hear his voice, and in an instant he is gone, and nothing but a vacancy shows his loss.

Then, too, at sea you miss a man so much. A dozen men are shut up together in a little bark, upon the wide, wide sea, and for months and months see no forms and hear no voices but their own, and one is taken suddenly from among them, and they miss him at every turn. It is like losing a limb"

— Richard Henry Dana, Jr. (1834)

Committed to Davy Jones' Locker:

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