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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Photos from the 1970s when the First Lady was growing up in Chicago's tough South Side

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception


It has a reputation for gang violence and being tough, but First Lady Michelle Obama is still proud of her early years in Chicago's South Side.
A series of photographs, taken by Pulitzer photojournalist John H. White, shows that despite the neighborhood's years of decline in the 1970s, a strong community spirit persisted.
From children taking part in the annual Bud Billiken Day Parade and a speech by the Rev Jesse Jackson, to a concert by soul musician Isaac Hayes and families playing on Lake Michigan's shores, the former Chicago Sun Times photographer captured life for the community in 1973 and 1974.
Summer of 73: Teenagers cool off in the spray of a fire hydrant at Woodlawn Community
Summer of 73: Teenagers cool off in the spray of a fire hydrant at Woodlawn Community

Shooting hoops: The Stateway Gardens highrise looms behind this basketball court
Shooting hoops: The Stateway Gardens highrise looms behind this basketball court

No place like home: First Lady Michelle Obama grew up in this bungalow in Chicago's South Side
No place like home: First Lady Michelle Obama grew up in this bungalow in Chicago's South Side

His images included the moment tens of thousands of black Muslims listened to a speech by Malcom X's mentor Elijah Mohammed in 1974, as well as shots of workmen and students trying to make a life for themselves at a time when the city was in decline.
Mr White's work was highlighted by The Atlantic, as part of its feature on photo essays by photographers who took part in the Documerica Project.

The South Side, known as the 'Black Metropolis' during its boom years in the 1920s, fell into decline by the 1970s as the meat packing and steel mills closed down.
However, its past and present residents, including Mrs Obama who was raised in a brick bungalow in the South Side, remain proud of the neighborhood and its diverse culture, with many saying it does not deserve its tough reputation.
Have a nice day: This woman sells balloons on the street corner near the Sox Park baseball field
Have a nice day: This woman sells balloons on the street corner near the Sox Park baseball field

Mean streets: Two men pose on the sidewalk for John White as he photographs the South Side communities in 1973
Mean streets: Two men pose on the sidewalk for John White as he photographs the South Side communities in 1973

Creative: Artist Ron Blackburn paints a mural on the corner of 33rd and Giles Street
Creative: Artist Ron Blackburn paints a mural on the corner of 33rd and Giles Street

Fashion vibe: A student from the Westinghouse Industrial Vocational School shows off the 70s style
Fashion vibe: A student from the Westinghouse Industrial Vocational School shows off the 70s style

Bonding: A baby reaches for its mother as they enjoy a day trip to 12th Street Beach on Lake Michigan
Bonding: A baby reaches for its mother as they enjoy a day trip to 12th Street Beach on Lake Michigan

Come on in: Swimmers mingle with people rowing on Lake Michigan as they cool off in the August heat
Come on in: Swimmers mingle with people rowing on Lake Michigan as they cool off in the August heat

Family fun: The park and shores of Lake Michigan provide the perfect place for a picnic
Family fun: The park and shores of Lake Michigan provide the perfect place for a picnic

Street scene: Boys and bikes stop to check out a shop, as older shoppers stop to pass the time of day
Street scene: Boys and bikes stop to check out a shop, as older shoppers stop to pass the time of day

Break time: An upturned trash can provides a games table for workers as they play checkers before heading to work
Break time: An upturned trash can provides a games table for workers as they play checkers before heading to work

City life: Flares and big hair are the fashion choice of the day for the people walking by this liquor store
City life: Flares and big hair are the fashion choice of the day for the people walking by this liquor store

Uplifting: The Rev Jesse Jackson speaks at Operation Push, which tried to open the world of business to black-owned enterprises
Uplifting: The Rev Jesse Jackson speaks at Operation Push, which tried to open the world of business to black-owned enterprises

Songs of praise: The congregation of Holy Angel Catholic Church attend mass
Songs of praise: The congregation of Holy Angel Catholic Church attend mass

Message: A Muslim woman listens to Elijah Muhammad's Savior Day speech in 1974
Message: A Muslim woman listens to Elijah Muhammad's Savior Day speech in 1974

Applause: Women dressed in white clap after hearing Elijah Muhammad, a mentor to Malcom X, give a speech
Applause: Women dressed in white clap after hearing Elijah Muhammad, a mentor to Malcom X, give a speech

Guard: The Fruit of Islam are the protectors of Elijah Muhammad, who was viewed by black Muslims as the 'last messenger of Allah'
Guard: The Fruit of Islam are the protectors of Elijah Muhammad, who was viewed by black Muslims as the 'last messenger of Allah'
Praise: About 10,000 Muslims gathered to hear Elijah Muhammad speak in 1974. The religious leader died the following year, aged 77
Praise: About 10,000 Muslims gathered to hear Elijah Muhammad speak in 1974. The religious leader died the following year, aged 77

On parade: Kadats of America perform their drills at a South Side talent show
On parade: Kadats of America perform their drills at a South Side talent show

Under orders: Major General Acklin shouts commands to the young drill team at the show
Under orders: Major General Acklin shouts commands to the young drill team at the show

Royal court: Beauty queens representing different streets gather on a float for the Billiken Day parade in 1973
Royal court: Beauty queens representing different streets gather on a float for the Billiken Day parade in 1973

Waiting game: Children line the streets, or climb on top of cars to get a better view of the Billiken Day parade
Waiting game: Children line the streets, or climb on top of cars to get a better view of the Billiken Day parade

Signs of the times: Young men check out a motorbike, left, while student Robert Taylor Homes shows off the latest fashion trends
Signs of the times: Young men check out a motorbike, left, while student Robert Taylor Homes shows off the latest fashion trends

On the waterfront: The Wabash Street Bridge, over Chicago river, opens, left, and a young woman plays in a park off Lake Michigan, right
On the waterfront: The Wabash Street Bridge, over Chicago river, opens, left, and a young woman plays in a park off Lake Michigan, right

Next generation: A family at the Church of the Messiah gather for a baptism, right, and a student learns welding at the Chicago Opportunities Industrialization Center, right
Next generation: A family at the Church of the Messiah gather for a baptism, right, and a student learns welding at the Chicago Opportunities Industrialization Center, right

Desolate: Children play by an abandoned building, as parts of the neighborhood fell into a slump
Desolate: Children play by an abandoned building, as parts of the neighborhood fell into a slump

Got soul: Musician Isaac Hayes, right, and his dancers perform at the 1973 Black Expo
Got soul: Musician Isaac Hayes, right, and his dancers perform at the 1973 Black Expo

Opportunity knocks: A band performs at Lake Meadows shopping center in August 1973
Opportunity knocks: A band performs at Lake Meadows shopping center in August 1973

Playtime: Children gather around photographer John White in a playground in October 1973
Playtime: Children gather around photographer John White in a playground in October 1973

Landmark: The Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, looms over the Dan Ryan Expressway five months after the 110-storey tower was finished
Landmark: The Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, looms over the Dan Ryan Expressway five months after the 110-storey tower was finished

Home: Michelle Obama is proud of her roots in Chicago's South Side
Home: Michelle Obama is proud of her roots in Chicago's South Side

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