7. The massive trials
Two dramatic criminal trials, one for murder and the other one for rape which were involving multiple defendants changed the nature if Hawaiian race politic and relations. The trials had elements of good mystery although they were filled with turns, twists and unanswered questions. The second trial closed out the courtroom career of Clarence Darrow who was the America’s greatest defense attorney.
8. The impeachment trial of President William Clinton
For the second time in U.S. history, the senate conducted an impeachment trial of a president in 1999. This came as no great surprise since the penalty-line in the House of Representatives came as penalty vote on it leading to trial. However, this is educative as it was caused by the failure of the political institutions and judiciary to distinguish between private and public morality.
9. The impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson
In May 1868, the Senate came up with a single of vote of taking the unexpected step of removing a president from office. Although the impeachment of Andrew was ostensibly about a violation of the Tenure of Office Act, it was more than that. It had its value because it served to channel the potentially-explosive anger among citizens which would have been worse.