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Monday, September 30, 2013

At Hampton Court Palace

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

This is the link!

2013-09-27 23.10.04
2013-09-27 23.12.55
2013-09-27 23.13.03
2013-09-27 23.22.54
2013-09-27 23.24.20
2013-09-27 23.25.32
2013-09-27 23.32.43
2013-09-27 23.33.49
2013-09-27 23.34.13
2013-09-27 23.55.04
2013-09-27 23.57.13
2013-09-27 23.57.25
2013-09-28 07.26.25
2013-09-28 07.31.02
2013-09-28 07.31.10
2013-09-28 07.31.13
2013-09-28 07.31.14
2013-09-28 07.33.37
2013-09-28 07.35.26
2013-09-28 07.36.04
2013-09-28 07.50.16

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