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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

my 'word' as an army officer

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

Revealed: Extraordinary story of British WWI captain released by Kaiser from German prison camp so he could see his dying mother in Kent - on condition that he returned to his cell... and he DID


Captain Robert Campbell, aged 29, (pictured centre) was captured just weeks after Britain declared war on Germany in July, 1914 but after two years in Magdeburg prisoner of war Camp the British officer received word from home his mother Louise Campbell was close to death. He speculatively wrote to Kaiser Wilhelm II (left) begging to be allowed home to visit his mother one final time. Incredibly the German leader granted the request allowing the professional office two weeks leave - as long as he returned. The only bond he placed on the leave was Capt. Campbell's 'word' as an army officer.

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