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Saturday, October 26, 2013


de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

A DAY IN HISTORY: 1415 > Battle of Agincourt is fought. 1764 > John Adams marries Abigail Smith. 1853 > Indians attack transcontinental railroad survey crew in Utah. 1854 > Charge of the Light Brigade meets heavy casualties. 1861 > Keel of the USS Monitor is laid. 1881 > Pablo Picasso is born. 1916 > French troops celebrate the recapture of Fort Douaumont at Verdun. 1944 > Japanese launch first kamikaze attack of WWII. 1972 > Nixon suspends bombing of North Vietnam. 1973 > Nixon vetoes War Powers Resolution. 1980> AC/DC score first Top 40 hit. 1983 > United States invades Grenada. More from this day:

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