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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Did the Annunaki build Angkor Wat?

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

"Angkor Wat ("Holy Temple"), is a square, moated, walled ancient megalithic compound on the floodplains in Northwest Cambodia, just above the Great Lake. Each side of this walled compound measured nearly a mile long. The temple is 5,000 x 4,000 feet, surrounded by moats 623 feet wide.

"Legend" has it Preah Pisnokar built Angkor as far back as 600 B.C.. 

Preah's mother was an ET, one of "the Shining/Glowing ones" (Anunnaki), his father, an Earthling like us. When Preah reached adulthood, the Anunnaki took him up into the sky, to the flying palace of Indra (Anu, king of the planet Nibiru, from where our genetic creators came). Aboard the craft, the shining ones taught Preah the technology and techniques of the civilization he was to bring to southeast Asia."

- Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin


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