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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Era of Contradictions ~ the noble experiment

de bene esse: literally, of well-being, morally acceptable but subject to future validation or exception

When booze ruled - wonderful pictures - Click topic for LINK

13 years ... 1920 - 1933

Prohibition influenced political and cultural life in America to a staggering extent even onto today.  Pre-prohibition consumption was three times more than today, suggesting the Amendment worked.  It was easier to get a drink during prohibition than after when regulations for holding a liquor license were implemented.

Political wrangling.  The women's suffrage movement, convinced the demon liquor led men to beat their wives and children and waste money at the bar advocated for prohibition while politicians recognizing the reservoir of untapped votes in women pushed for their vote so women would help pass the legislation.

Prohibition created the first national organized crime syndicate that had been only local and curtailed before.  Federal liquor cops were the most corrupt in law enforcement history it was the dream job; the bribes on offer were a ticket to untold riches.  Watering holes were not dark and dingy dives but often plush and fully stocked infact people openly drank by 1928.

NASCAR another cultural touchstone traces its roots to prohibition - early drivers were rum runners speeding through back roads to shake federal agents in pursuit.  Stock car racing, the precursor of NASCAR took off just after prohibition's repeal when drivers needed earning options.

A larger irony, Elliot Ness crusader, died of alcoholism.

"To acohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems." Homer Simpson 

How dry we ain't...

Daniel Okrent's myth busting tale on prohibition Last Call is available on Amazon.

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